Clear Search

John Hardy

Partner Since 2023

Total Contribution

$ 52,376

Hours of Research Funded

+ 1,047

About the Program

BCRF is excited to welcome John Hardy to the partnerships family in 2023. For the month of October, John Hardy is donating 20% of the purchase price from their Pink Gemstone Collection to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. John Hardy brings BCRF’s impact to life by spreading the message of our mission and committing critical funds that help save lives and improve outcomes.

About John Hardy

Born in Bali out of an artisan community, we are artisan handcrafted jewelry unlike any other. Deeply rooted in self expression and fueled by beauty and adventure, our designs fuse traditional craftsmanship with modern design. From the beginning, sustainability has been at the core of our values, driving us to make environmentally conscious choices. Our certification as a proud member of the Responsible Jewelry Council exemplifies this commitment to sustainability.

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