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Daniel F. Hayes, MD

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Titles and Affiliations

Stuart B. Padnos Professor of Breast Cancer Research
Professor of Internal Medicine
UM Rogel Cancer Center

Research area

Collecting and analyzing clinical samples to identify biomarkers that inform patient care and the design of future clinical trials.


Clinical trials are crucial to advancing breast cancer care, and they also provide researchers with a large resource of de-identified patient samples from participants who consent to sharing their blood, tissues, DNA, etc. Dr. Hayes and his team are collecting these samples in order to discover biomarkers in breast cancer. These molecular markers, which can be measured with laboratory tests, can be used to predict prognosis, therapeutic response, recurrence, and side effects. Dr. Hayes’ coordination of these efforts over the years has aided a variety of correlative studies, the results of which provided insight into mechanisms of response and resistance.

Progress Thus Far

Dr. Hayes works with clinical trialists from national clinical trial cooperative groups, as well as European counterparts, conducting studies within ongoing trials. Examples of his collaborations include SWOG studies in triple-negative breast cancer and multiple studies looking at immune signature and other biomarkers both in Europe and the U.S.

What’s next

Dr. Hayes will continue to collect clinical specimens that can be used to conduct correlative science studies of new or promising tumor biomarkers. Projects include using machine learning to analyze breast cancer tissue sample slides, which if successful will provide information that is not visible to the human eye, and better inform treatment decisions.


Dr. Daniel F. Hayes is the Stuart B. Padnos Professor of Breast Cancer the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center.

Dr. Hayes received undergraduate, master’s and medical degrees from Indiana University, followed by a residency in internal medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center/Parkland Memorial Hospital and a fellowship in medical oncology at Harvard’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI). He has led the breast cancer programs at DFCI (1991-1996), Georgetown University’s Lombardi Cancer Center (1996-2001), and the University of Michigan from 2001-2016.

Dr. Hayes’ research interests are in the field of experimental therapeutics and cancer biomarkers, especially in breast cancer. His work has been particularly focused on development and validation of cancer biomarker tests, such as HER-2, CA15-3, circulating tumor cells and pharmacogenomic markers. He has been instrumental in establishing international guidelines for the use of tumor biomarker tests, including criteria for their clinical utility.

He has served as chair of the SWOG Breast Cancer Translational Medicine Committee, and he was an inaugural member and chaired the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Tumor Marker Guidelines Committee. Dr. Hayes served on the ASCO Board of Directors, and served a 3 year term as President of ASCO from 2016-2018. He is a Fellow of ASCO, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Komen Scholar, and a member of the Association of American Physicians and the American Clinical and Climatologic Association. He was the inaugural recipient of the ASCO Gianni Bonadonna Award in breast cancer.

BCRF Investigator Since


Areas of Focus

Treatment Tumor Biology

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