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Pink Promises Casino Night Raises over $500,000 for Research

By BCRF | October 2, 2016

The annual event has help raise over $4 million to date for BCRF

On Friday, September 30, BCRF helped to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month with the Pink Promises Casino Night at the Crest Hollow Country Club on Long Island. In its seventh year, this annual event has helped to raise over $4 million to date, funding the lifesaving work of BCRF.

Chaired by Ian and Stephanie Ginsberg, owners of the famed C.O. Bigelow Apothecary in Greenwich Village, the Casino night featured dozens of generously donated items that were raffled and auctioned, raising funds for research.  Dr. Larry Norton, Scientific Director of BCRF, spoke to the urgent need of funding to the audience of over 400 philanthropic attendees.

Prominent and philanthropic guests included, including Aviva Drescher, former star of the Real Housewives of New York City, major donors Cherie and James Buller, Susan and Alan Bushell, Auction Chair Michele Nathel, and new Host Committee members Dinah and Marc Kramer.

After the program and dinner, the guests took their chances for raffle prizes at the game tables to further show their support for the worthy cause, aiding BCRF in their efforts to fund lifesaving research that will bring us closer to a world free of breast cancer.


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