Discord is bringing together more than a dozen Discord communities and streaming channels, along with Ubisoft and the AC Sisterhood, to collectively raise $50,000 for lifesaving breast cancer research. Everyone from gamers to artists will be participaiting, and BCRF’s own Margaret Flowers, PhD will host an AMA-style chat on Discord’s biology-focused server. Discord will also match all gifts, up to $60,000.
Sharese, twitch.tv/sharese, discord.gg/shareseJambo, twitch.tv/jambo, discord.gg/thepizzapartyTheHotdish, twitch.tv/thehotdish, discord.gg/8bcRammy, twitch.tv/rammy, discord.gg/rammySimplyAllegra, twitch.tv/simplyallegraThe GameHERS, twitch.tv/thegamehers, discord.gg/SVTzZCjWoofy, twitch.tv/woofy, discord.gg/woofyAmazoniancos, twitch.tv/amazoniancosLokuzt_SW, twitch.tv/lokuzt_swmissesmae, fb.gg/missesmae, discord.gg/missesmaeAdriennczene, twitch.tv/adriennczeneUbisoft, twitch.tv/ubisoft, discord.gg/acNarya92, twitch.tv/narya92xBlutkatze, twitch.tv/xblutkatze“Sisterhood Speaks” Team, twitch.tv/xblutkatzeBiocord, discord.gg/biolog
When you give to BCRF, you're funding critical hours in the lab. More time for research means longer, healthier lives for the ones we love.
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