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Partner Since 2007

Total Contribution

$ 907,430

Hours of Research Funded

+ 18,149

About the Program

BCRF has proudly partnered with Teleflora since 2007. Throughout the year, Teleflora harnesses the power of its brand, customers, communities, and employees to support the brightest minds in science, and donates 15% of the purchase price of every Pink Power Bouquet and Pink Grace Bouquet sold. With more than 18,000 hours of research funded to date, Teleflora brings BCRF’s impact to life by spreading the message of our mission, supporting the breast cancer community, and committing critical funds that help improve outcomes.

About Teleflora

Say everything and share your Love Out Loud™ with the gift of Teleflora® flowers—all made by hand and delivered to your doorstep by your local florist (contactless delivery available). By tapping nearly 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touch, artistry, and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora’s network of professional florists creates artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a two-in-one gift that includes a multipurpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Instagram and Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.