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The BCRF 2014 Annual Report

By BCRF | December 8, 2014

A look back at the progress we’ve made over the past year.

We are proud to share our 2014 Annual Report with all of you. The report, entitled Be The End, highlights the foundation's activitivies over the past year, including the work of our new grantees, the committment of our corporate partners and the personal stories of some of our key donors. We are grateful to all of our supporters who have enabled us to make significant advances in the fields of science and medicine and deepen our understanding of breast cancer and all cancers. We’ve always believed the most efficient way to finding a cure for breast cancer is by directing as much grants funding as possible to the best and most innovative research. Today, BCRF stands as one of the largest private funders of breast cancer research, and we owe that all to you. Research will bring an end to cancer. We are all part of the solution. Together, we can be the end of breast cancer.


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