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Matthew Saunders Runs NYC Marathon To Celebrate Wife’s Remission

By BCRF | October 31, 2015

Matthew’s wife was diagnosed with breast cancer five days before their son was born

Nearly two years ago, Matthew Saunders was looking forward to the birth of his first child – however, the day was soon clouded in fear. Five days before Isaac was born, Saunders’ wife Amanda was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“Breast cancer has taught me you can live a clean, healthy life, have no family history, and cancer can still hit you.  There's really nothing you can do to prevent it,” Saunders said.

Being a caregiver for both a newborn and his wife who was undergoing treatment was exceptionally challenging. Today the couple has decided to celebrate Amanda’s remission by running the New York City Marathon on November 1. Saunders is running in Team BCRF, where he has raised more than $3,500 to further lifesaving research.

“There are myriads of noble causes, even within support for the fight against cancer.  The one that means the most to us is research in finding cures and treatments,” Saunders said on his decision to raise funds for BCRF.

For Saunders, who has been an avid runner since the age of 12, this will be his eighth marathon. It will be Amanda’s first. 

“My wife has always wanted to run a marathon, and this year we both decided we'd make the time to train together for one.  If you are going to run one marathon, is there any better choice than the biggest one in the world?” Saunders said.

While training for the 26.2-mile race sounds trying, for Saunders the major obstacles lie off the course.

“The biggest challenge is finding the time to get the training miles in while working and taking care of our 2 year old,” he said.

Nevertheless, he hopes his efforts – both on and off the track – will help others impacted by breast cancer.

“I hope that research going on right now will directly help my wife, and I hope that it will help anyone in the future who faces as scary a diagnosis as we have faced.”